Synchronous Motor:Synchronous Motor—General and Principle of Operation.

Synchronous Motor—General

A synchronous motor (Fig. 38.1) is electrically identical with an alternator or a.c. generator. In fact, a given synchronous machine may be used, at least theoretically, as an alternator, when driven mechanically or as a motor, when driven electrically, just as in the case of d.c. machines. Most synchronous motors are rated between 150 kW and 15 MW and run at speeds ranging from 150 to 1800 r.p.m.

Some characteristic features of a synchronous motor are worth noting :

1. It runs either at synchronous speed or not at all i.e. while running it maintains a constant speed. The only way to change its speed is to vary the supply frequency (because Ns = 120 f / P).

2. It is not inherently self-starting. It has to be run upto synchronous (or near synchronous) speed by some means, before it can be synchronized to the supply.

3. It is capable of being operated under a wide range of power factors, both lagging and leading. Hence, it can be used for power correction purposes, in addition to supplying torque to drive loads.


Principle of Operation

As shown in Art. 34.7, when a 3-f winding is fed by a 3-f supply, then a magnetic flux of constant magnitude but rotating at synchronous speed, is produced. Consider a two-pole stator of Fig. 38.2, in which are shown two stator poles (marked N S and S S ) rotating at synchronous speed, say, in clockwise direction. With the rotor position as shown, suppose the stator poles are at that instant situated at points A and B. The two similar poles, N (of rotor) and NS (of stator) as well as S and SS will repel each other, with the result that the rotor tends to rotate in the anticlockwise direction.


But half a period later, stator poles, having rotated around, interchange their positions i.e. NS is at point B and SS at point A. Under these conditions, NS attracts S and SS attracts N. Hence, rotor tends to rotate clockwise (which is just the reverse of the first direction). Hence, we find that due to continuous and rapid rotation of stator poles, the rotor is subjected to a torque which is rapidly reversing i.e., in quick succession, the rotor is subjected to torque which tends to move it first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Owing to its large inertia, the rotor cannot instantaneously respond to such quickly-reversing torque, with the result that it remains stationary.


Now, consider the condition shown in Fig. 38.3 (a). The stator and rotor poles are attracting each other. Suppose that the rotor is not stationary, but is rotating clockwise, with such a speed that it turns through one pole-pitch by the time the stator poles interchange their positions, as shown in Fig. 38.3 (b). Here, again the stator and rotor poles attract each other. It means that if the rotor poles also shift their positions along with the stator poles, then they will continuously experience a unidirectional torque i.e., clockwise torque, as shown in Fig. 38.3.

Method of Starting

The rotor (which is as yet unexcited) is speeded up to synchronous near synchronous speed by some arrangement and then excited by the d.c. source. The moment this (near) synchronously rotating rotor is excited, it is magnetically locked into position with the stator i.e., the rotor The rotor and the stator parts of motor.


poles are engaged with the stator poles and both run synchronously in the same direction. It is because of this interlocking of stator and rotor poles that the motor has either to run synchronously or not at all. The synchronous speed is given by the usual relation NS = 120 f / P.

However, it is important to understand that the arrangement between the stator and rotor poles is not an absolutely rigid one. As the load on the motor is increased, the rotor progressively tends to fall back in phase (but not in speed as in d.c. motors) by some angle (Fig. 38.4) but it still continues to run synchronously.The value of this load angle or coupling angle (as it is called) depends on the amount of load to be met by the motor. In other words, the torque developed by the motor depends on this angle, say, a.


The working of a synchronous motor is, in many ways, similar to the transmission of mechanical power by a shaft. In Fig. 38.5 are shown two pulleys P and Q transmitting power from the driver to the load. The two pulleys are assumed to be keyed together (just as stator and rotor poles are interlocked) hence they run at exactly the same (average) speed. When Q is loaded, it slightly falls behind owing to the twist in the shaft (twist angle corresponds to a in motor), the angle of twist, in fact, being a measure of the torque transmitted. It is clear that unless Q is so heavily loaded as to break the coupling, both pulleys must run at exactly the same (average) speed.


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