Computations and circle diagrams:Crawling


It has been found that induction motors, particularly the squirrel-cage type, sometimes exhibit a tendency to run stably at speeds as low as one-seventh of their synchronous speed Ns. This phenomenon is known as crawling of an induction motor.

This action is due to the fact that the a.c. winding of the stator produces a flux wave, which is not a pure sine wave. It is a complex wave consisting of a fundamental wave, which revolves synchronously and odd harmonics like 3rd, 5th, and 7th etc. which rotate either in the forward or backward direction at Ns / 3, Ns / 5 and Ns / 7 speeds respectively. As a result, in addition to the fundamental torque, harmonic torques are also developed, whose synchronous speeds are 1/nth of the speed for the fundamental torque i.e. Ns / n, where n is the order of the harmonic torque. Since 3rd harmonic currents are absent in a balanced 3-phase system, they produce no rotating field and, therefore, no torque. Hence, total motor torque has three components : (i) the fundamental torque, rotating with the synchronous speed Ns (ii) 5th harmonic torque* rotating at Ns / 5 speed and (iii) 7th harmonic torque, having a speed of Ns / 7.

Now, the 5th harmonic currents have a phase difference of 5 ´ 120º = 600º = - 120º in three stator windings. The revolving field, set up by them, rotates in the reverse direction at Ns / 5. The forward speed of the rotor corresponds to a slip greater than The 7th harmonic currents in the three stator windings have a phase difference of 7 ´ 120º = 2 ´ 360º + 120º = 120º. They set up a forward rotating field, with a synchronous speed equal to 1/7th of the resultant torque can be taken as equal to the sum of the fundamental torque and the 7th harmonic torque, as shown in Fig. 35.25. It  is seen that the 7th harmonic torque reaches its maximum positive value just before 1/7th synchronous speed Ns, beyond which it becomes negative in value. Consequently, the resultant torque characteristic shows a dip which may become very pronounced with certain slot combinations. If the mechanical load on the shaft involves a constant load torque, it is possible that the torque developed by the motor may fall below this load torque. When this happens, the motor will not accelerate upto its normal speed but will remain running at a speed, which is nearly 1/7th of its full-speed. This is referred to as crawling of the motor.


The rotor of a squirrel-cage motor sometimes refuses to start at all, particularly when the voltage is low. This happens when the number of stator teeth S1 is equal to the number of rotor teeth S2 and is due to the magnetic locking between the stator and rotor teeth. That is why this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as teeth-locking.

It is found that the reluctance of the magnetic path is minimum when the stator and rotor teeth face each other rather than when the teeth of one element are opposite to the slots on the other. It is in such positions of minimum reluctance, that the rotor tends to remain fixed and thus cause serious trouble during starting. Cogging of squirrel cage motors can be easily overcome by making the number of rotor slots prime to the number of stator slots.


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